

Install FsPrettyTable using nuget:

PM> Install-Package FsPrettyTable


Let's begin by defining some data which we would like to display as a table:

open PrettyTable
let headers = ["Language";"Developer";"Appeared in";"Influenced by"]
let rows = [["IPL";"RAND Corp.";"1956";""]
            ["LISP";"John McCarthy";"1958";"IPL"]
            ["ISWIM";"Peter J. Landin";"1966";"LISP"]
            ["ML";"Robin Milner";"1973";"ISWIM"]
            ["Caml";"Gérard Huet";"1985";"ML"]
            ["F#";"M$ / Don Syme";"2005";"OCaml"]]

The PrettyTable module provides a bunch of functions which can be chained together to format, manimulate and finally print (or just return as a string). Let's just print it using the default style first:

rows |> prettyTable |> printTable

// Output:
|  IPL  |   RAND Corp.    | 1956 |       |
| LISP  |  John McCarthy  | 1958 |  IPL  |
| ISWIM | Peter J. Landin | 1966 | LISP  |
|  ML   |  Robin Milner   | 1973 | ISWIM |
| Caml  |   Gérard Huet   | 1985 |  ML   |
| OCaml |      INRIA      | 1996 | Caml  |
|  F#   |  M$ / Don Syme  | 2005 | OCaml |

Ok, nice. But where did the headers go? Well, you I need to add then obviously:

prettyTable rows
|> withHeaders headers
|> printTable

// Output:
| Language |    Developer    | Appeared in | Influenced by |
|   IPL    |   RAND Corp.    |    1956     |               |
|   LISP   |  John McCarthy  |    1958     |      IPL      |
|  ISWIM   | Peter J. Landin |    1966     |     LISP      |
|    ML    |  Robin Milner   |    1973     |     ISWIM     |
|   Caml   |   Gérard Huet   |    1985     |      ML       |
|  OCaml   |      INRIA      |    1996     |     Caml      |
|    F#    |  M$ / Don Syme  |    2005     |     OCaml     |

If you just want the table string representation instead of printing it, use sprintTable.