
Filtering columns

You may filter column output based on the column headers. This requires that you are actually using headers.

prettyTable rows
|> withHeaders headers
|> onlyColumns ["Language"; "Appeared in"]
|> printTable

// Output:
| Language | Appeared in |
|   IPL    |    1956     |
|   LISP   |    1958     |

You may also specify filtering by column index. This is what you'll have to use if you have a table with no headers:

myTable |> onlyColumnsByIndex [0; 2]

or by a predicate function which will be passed both the column index and the header value as arguments:

myTable |> onlyColumnsByChoice
               (fun i h -> i = 0 || h = "Appeared in")

Specifying a column filtering overwrites any previous filtering. To remove the filter, use function allColumns.